Yoga at school offers all the benefits of a group class, but targets school challenges more directly. Practicing yoga during the school day has additional benefits that relate to school performance: self-awareness, physical and emotional needs, and school success. When yoga is incorporated into the school experience, the benefits can be immediately and directly experienced during the school day. Tension and stress are released, concentration is increased, sensory needs are met, and so much more!
- Calms the mind and body
- Stimulates auditory processing and responsiveness
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Creativity and imagination are stimulated
- Group awareness and compassion is developed
- Energy is balanced
- Concentration and Memory increases
- Increases development of the vestibular system
There are a few ways that Heart Child Yoga can help bring these benefits to your school.
These options include:
- Ongoing regularly scheduled group classes
- Yoga in the classroom teacher workshops
- Yoga in the classroom student workshops
- Beyond Yoga Workshops (details below)
Beyond Yoga Workshops
Heart Child Yoga also offers unique and exciting workshops for schools, camps, and festivals. These workshops include:
- Spirit Animal Workshop
– your students will be guided through a Native American meditation journey to meet their secondary spirit animal. They will enter their journey to Native American meditation drumbeats. After the journey is complete the students will have an opportunity to share their experience through their drawings and verbal discussion.
When possible, the spirit animal experience will be followed up with an email. This email will explain in further detail the possible meaning of their spirit animal visit. (The Wolf Clan 7 Directions Dance is an option to include as an extended version of this workshop)
- Sacred Geometry in Nature
– this workshop will include a nature search for fractal and Fibonacci sequence examples. (When a nature walk is not possible, examples will be provided.) Your students will learn to recognize the repeating patterns in nature and how they relate to the Fibonacci sequence.
This workshop can be altered to any group age, ability, or combination of.
- Crystal Poses –
Ever notice how many children are naturally draw to crystals and stones? Those children have inspired this workshop. Your students will be introduced several crystals, their benefits, and yoga poses that compliment each one. They will get to hold and examine various stones during the workshop while relating their benefits to the benefits of yoga. They will be reminded of their personal power that yoga can help them revel and maintain.
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