

Why Sponsor a Child?  crystal children.jpg3

Jennifer Mehlich created Heart Child Yoga and Conscious Support Therapy (CST) with the intention that no child will go unserved. Please do what ever you can to help her make this a reality. Traditional special needs services are funded by a system that does not support the type of positive alternative therapy, and personal connection that Heart Child offers.

Please consider donating to a child in need. Each child has a story to tell, and by donating you will hear their personal story and be part of making their mission and healing a reality. Help Heart Child make this service an option for every child, no matter what their financial situation is. 

Every child should have the opportunity to be respected and seen as a powerful being, and as the inspiration that they are. Providing our children with a safe, peaceful, supporting environment and the tools to maintain and discover their many gifts, not only benefits them, it benefits every one of us on this planet. 

The children are our teachers; they are here to spiritually serve us. If we don’t do our part to support them and listen to what they really need, then we will miss out on our greatest gifts and our greatest means to transition to a new way of loving each other and our planet.  Please help make this a reality for all of us. Please sponsor or donate anything you can.

Ways to Sponsor:

  • Sponsor Emily, our featured child, by donating any amount.
  • All Current donations are going to our featured child, Emily. Emily’s story can be found on the Featured Child page. Her current goal is to attend one group class and one private session a week.

Heart Child’s message is for all children and families.  With your help,  the possibilities of what we can do are endless!

Donate by using PayPal. Just click the donate button below and enter any amount (note: private sessions are $55, and group classes are $12-$20). Please add your email address, if you would like to receive an update of the child you helped. Thank you!

Thank you for your support and for your Love for the children of this Earth.

Sat Nam.